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Working at Verizon Wireless in Pasadena, CA: 2 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Pasadena, CA Area

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On average, employees in Pasadena, CA at Verizon Wireless give their company a 0.0 rating out of 5.0 based on 2, whereas overall Average Rating of Verizon Wireless is 3.9 out of 5.0 based on 1024 Verizon Wireless Review Ratings. The happiest Verizon Wireless employees in Pasadena, CA are Retail Sales Consultants submitting an average rating of 3.6 and Store Managers with a rating of 4.2.

Average Rating
(based on 559 Verizon Wireless Review Ratings)

Ratings by Category

Company Culture
Growth Opportunities
People You Work With
Person You Work For
Rewards You Receive
Support You Get
Way You Work
Work Setting
"After retiring from Verizon after 26.5 years, they contacted me for help with a data engineering problem and kept me on for the full length of the corporate guidelines would allow. The people I worked with and the respect given me by upper management were the primary drivers behind my remaining past the initial 60 day period of my contract."
Posted 11 years ago in Newbury Park, CA

Working at Verizon Wireless in Pasadena, CA: 2 Employee Reviews

Store Manager

"Good place."

What do you like about working at Verizon Wireless?

"I like the fast pace and being well-compensated."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Be professional."

What don't you like about working at Verizon Wireless?

"I dislike having no personal time."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Allow your employees to have time off."

Retail Sales Consultant

"Verizon Wireless is a great place to work but is only a career if you enjoy retail."

Company-Industry Rating Comparison

Verizon Wireless (1024)

4.5 Highest Rated in this Industry is Adtech (8)
2.2 Lowest Rated in this Industry is Blue Fountain Media (8)
3.8 Average of All Companies in this Industry (13,152)

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