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Barnes & Noble: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution

We currently have 6 open jobs at Barnes & Noble. We've calculated that the average salary at Barnes & Noble is $30K based on 1,331 user-submitted salaries A total of 194 Barnes & Noble employees gave Barnes & Noble an average happiness rating of 3.7 out of 5.0.

Latest Job Openings at Barnes & Noble

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Indianapolis, IN
As an assistant store manager (ASM), you enjoy working with people, are energized by your passion for books and model excellent service every day...
Date of Opening
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Barnes & Noble Salary Distribution

Barnes & Noble Reviews and Ratings

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BlissScore 3.7

Barnes & Noble Careers & Info

As the largest book store in the US, Barnes and Nobles has been around since 1917. It has evolved through time with the technological revolution by adding features like DVDs, mail-in-orders, online sales, and more. The company’s products also include Booksellsers, B. Dalton, Scribner’s Bookstores, Bookstop, Doubleday Bookstores, Sterling Publishing Co. and SparkNotes. The company has about 40,000 employees and earns annual revenue of about $12 billion. The bookstore also added features to enhance the bookstore experience, such as the café and Wi-Fi. In fact, all of their 777 operating stores offer free Wi-Fi to all of the Barnes & Nobles customers. The bookstore also develops electronic books via Barnes & Noble Nook on the Android platform. Barnes & Noble Careers

If you’re interested in working at Barnes & Noble, check out some of the career opportunities below:

Store Careers: oBookseller oBook Floor Associate oCafé Server oComputer Support Technician oDepartment Manager

Corporate Careers: oGraphics Technician oProduct Development oStaff Internal Auditor oSenior Systems Analyst oBuyers oBusiness Intelligence Engineer

Barnes & Noble Culture

If you want a Barnes & Noble career, you must be a professional that exhibits the following core values: customer service, quality, empathy, respect, integrity, responsibility, and teamwork. The Barnes & Noble team looks for candidates that go above-and-beyond the call of duty to show your dedication in helping the team succeed. Their mission is to become the greatest specialty retail business in the US. If you’re interested in a Barnes & Noble career, check out our listing on our jobs page.

What jobs pay the most at Barnes & Noble?

Director of Information Security is the highest paying job at Barnes & Noble at $164,000 annually.

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