CDM Smith: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at CDM Smith is $61K based on 41 user-submitted salaries
A total of 14 CDM Smith employees gave CDM Smith an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
1.6A major culture change is required. Start with RESPECT. Insist that co-workers demonstrate respect for one another or show them the door. Be open to new ideas...That's not the CDM Smith way is heard over and over again whenever anyone with new, fresh ideas suggests a change. Stop favoring tenure over competency. There is too much dead wood hanging around. COMMUNICATE HONESTLY!
2.2CDM Smith is a terrible engineering company to work for. It robs more senior staff by only paying them 60% of an overtime hour while billing the client the full amount (this is also age discrimination regardless of how their own attorneys want to spin it). One does not learn that until one is actually there because it is not stated anywhere in the offer letters. They are working to outsource engineering services to foreign countries to "save money" and increase company profits, but they don't bother to tell their U.S. clients that, some of whom are state departments of transportation and would have serious ethical and public safety issues with outsourcing. The foreign "engineers" are nowhere near the quality of U.S.-degreed engineers, and their work is much inferior and has had to be redone by U.S. employees. The company is extremely top-heavy with extremely high audited overhead rates (multiplier about 3.0 versus other competing firms at 2.6). The pay sucks for the average worker unless you are able to schmooze management to get ahead. The company management does not follow its own ethical standards. If these clowns offer you a job, run!
4I had a great experience at CDM Smith. It was a great opportunity to work in the fast-paced marketing environment, able to handle many different tasks and projects. I learn so much from my former co-workers and truly felt a part of a winning proposal team of writers and graphic artists.
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