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Working at Chrysler in Southfield, MI: 3 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Southfield, MI Area

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On average, employees in Southfield, MI at Chrysler give their company a 1.3 rating out of 5.0 based on 3, whereas overall Average Rating of Chrysler is 3.9 out of 5.0 based on 534 Chrysler Review Ratings. The happiest Chrysler employees in Southfield, MI are Project Leaders submitting an average rating of 3.9 and Assembly Technicians with a rating of 0.0.

Average Rating
(based on 233 Chrysler Review Ratings)

Ratings by Category

Company Culture
Growth Opportunities
People You Work With
Person You Work For
Rewards You Receive
Support You Get
Way You Work
Work Setting
"Chrysler was a great company to work for offering experience, travel, and great benefits."
Posted 15 years ago in Auburn Hills, MI

Working at Chrysler in Southfield, MI: 3 Employee Reviews

Project Leader
Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 3.8 / 5 Work Setting 3.9 / 5
Support You Get 3.9 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 3.9 / 5
Company Culture 3.9 / 5 Way You Work 3.8 / 5
Assembly Technician

"Bureaucratic Democracy but excellent company."

What do you like about working at Chrysler?

"Multi-faceted exposure to manufacturing."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Position yourself."

What don't you like about working at Chrysler?

"The inability for promotion on merits from hourly position."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Move more toward a HRM (IR) style verse Unionize workforce. The inter political environment tend to cause adversarial atmospheres and missed opportunities for betterment."

Company-Industry Rating Comparison

Chrysler (534)

4.8 Highest Rated in this Industry is GM Powertrain (7)
2.7 Lowest Rated in this Industry is AgustaWestland (11)
3.7 Average of All Companies in this Industry (8,121)
Finance Specialist

"Ok. A very large dealership in the Detroit area. Many Sales Consultants."

What do you like about working at Chrysler?

"The freedom to drive a new vehicle and different all the time."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?


What don't you like about working at Chrysler?

"I did not like Sales."

What suggestions do you have for management?


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