-$39K (77%) less than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
-$33K (69%) less than average Flex salary ($64K)
"The pay is very little. Some positions are paid more than others even though the work is the same. Most people try to work overtime to increase their pay."
$38KManchester, CTAnonymous Employee Average Salary at Flex·
-$32K (59%) less than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
-$26K (50%) less than average Flex salary ($64K)
"Poor, during the pandemic, we didn't even get hazard pay or an increase in salary one iota. We were met with pay cuts even though work increased for the shop because we manufacture medical devices including respirators and ventilators. No bonuses for a while. Overtime scant. I'm still at the same pay I was when I started $38,000 per year."
-$28K (50%) less than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
-$22K (41%) less than average Flex salary ($64K)
$85KMemphis, TNAnonymous Employee Average Salary at Flex·
+$15K (19%) more than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
+$21K (28%) more than average Flex salary ($64K)
"My salary is great."
$92KIrving, TXAnonymous Employee Average Salary at Flex·
+$22K (27%) more than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
+$28K (35%) more than average Flex salary ($64K)
"My salary is commensurate with my experience. I am more confidant in my designs. IE: they are able to be manufactured without a lot of re-work or re-design."
$95KBlythewood, SCAnonymous Employee Average Salary at Flex·
+$25K (30%) more than national average Anonymous Employee salary ($70K)
+$31K (38%) more than average Flex salary ($64K)
"The pay depends on the years of experience we have in our background job profile, and the grade scale is given for each pay scale. There is no overtime for full-time employees."