Grafton Integrated Health Network: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Grafton Integrated Health Network is $31K based on 3 user-submitted salaries
A total of 2 Grafton Integrated Health Network employees gave Grafton Integrated Health Network an average happiness rating of 5.0 out of 5.0.
4.9Grafton is my first foray into the field of behavioral health/special education/mental health. I was hired as a DSP in September 2018.
I had heard a lot of negativity about Grafton. For years I listened to these stories and heeded their warnings. I wish I hadn’t.
You do not go into this blindly. You must complete two weeks of hands-on training prior to working with the clients. A lot of invaluable information is packed into those two weeks, and somehow the instructors are able to present it all in such a way that you will remember it, pull from it and put it to use.
Grafton offers competitive salaries, great medical benefits, a 401K plan with a very respectable match and financial assistance for continuing your education.
I have provided support to each shift and program at the Berryville campus. I have seen staff deal with extremely difficult situations while maintaining their composure and consistently treating the clients with respect and compassion.
I have worked for each supervisor at the Berryville campus. Not once have I not been thanked….Imagine that, being thanked for doing your job, it is very rare in any workplace. My time, efforts, opinions and contributions are never taken for granted, I always feel like a valued member of Team Grafton.
The clients at Grafton are some of the most unique and special individuals you will ever come across. The majority of Grafton’s clients have been through more already than, thankfully, most of us will experience in our lifetime. They want and deserve, respect, kindness, compassion and most of all love. I have found that if you give these basic things to the client, they will give it back tenfold.
I cannot say that this job is all unicorns and daisies, no job is. However, every day, good or bad, is rewarding. I come to work knowing I have a purpose and I leave work knowing I have accomplished something, that I have made a difference.
5Although I had previously worked as a pre-school teacher, Grafton is my first foray into the field of behavioral health/special education/mental health.
You do not go into this blindly. You must complete two weeks of hands-on training prior to working with the clients. A lot of invaluable information is packed into two weeks, and it is presented in such a way that you will remember it, pull from it and put it to use.
Grafton offers competitive salaries, great medical benefits, a 401K plan with a very respectable match and financial assistance for continuing your education.
The staff at Grafton are all here for the same reason, the clients. I have seen numerous staff deal with extremely difficult situations involving clients, all-the-while maintaining their composure and consistently treating the clients with respect and compassion.
The management at Grafton make me feel appreciated. Not once have I not been thanked….Imagine that, being thanked for doing your job, it is very rare in any workplace. My time, efforts, opinions and contributions are never taken for granted, I always feel like a valued member of Team Grafton.
The clients at Grafton are some of the most unique and special individuals you will ever come across. They want and deserve, respect, kindness, compassion and most of all love. I have found that if you give these basic things to the client, they will give it back tenfold.
I cannot say that this job is all unicorns and daisies. I can say, however, that every day, good or bad, I am rewarded. My reward may be the trust of a client, the smile that breaks out on a particular client’s face when I walk in the room, or having a client say thank you for helping them process through a very difficult time. I have been working for 30+ years and this is, by far, the most rewarding job I have ever had. I come to work knowing I have a purpose and I leave work knowing I have accomplished something, that I have made a difference.
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