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Upgrade My BrowserOn average, employees in Bellevue, WA at H&R Block give their company a 2.4 rating out of 5.0 based on 2, whereas overall Average Rating of H&R Block is 4.2 out of 5.0 based on 372 H&R Block Review Ratings. The happiest H&R Block employees in Bellevue, WA are Tax Specialists submitting an average rating of 4.3 and Underwriters with a rating of 0.0.
"Outstanding training in the Tax Field!"
What do you like about working at H&R Block?
"Client (internal and external) interaction is the best part of the job. Also, learning the ins and outs of the current tax laws is fascinating."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Be sure to obtain all the information you can prior to accepting a position. Employees finding themselves disgruntled in the middle of the tax season do not service our clients well."
What don't you like about working at H&R Block?
"The compensation provided for tax preparation is low. Given my experience and education, it should be much higher."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"As a part-time seasonal employee, I have little to no input regarding management decisions. Empowerment goes a long way towards job satisfaction."
"I loved this company, but it is now out of business."
What do you like about working at H&R Block?
"Amazing culture, great management, open door policy."
What don't you like about working at H&R Block?
"We were so busy, I lived and breathed work. I felt like it was not right to take time off because of workload, even though management encouraged it."