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IT Project Coordinator Salaries in the United States

How much does a IT Project Coordinator make in the United States?

IT Project Coordinators earn $60,000 annually on average, or $29 per hour, which is 10% less than the national average for all working Americans. Our data indicates that the best paid IT Project Coordinators work for ABOUT-Consulting at $96,000 annually while the lowest paid IT Project Coordinators work for Coldwater Creek earning approximately $30,000 each year.

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$45K EMC's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (2 salaries)

-$15K (28%) less than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
-$40K (61%) less than average EMC salary ($85K)
Equal to average EMC IT Project Coordinator salary ($45K)
"Perfect amount of money and reasonable salary."
Equal to average EMC IT Project Coordinator salary ($45K)
"Think that this is a perfect deal."

$95K Louisiana State University's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (1 salaries)

+$35K (45%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$65K (104%) more than average Louisiana State University salary ($30K)
Equal to average Louisiana State University IT Project Coordinator salary ($95K)
"It is OK, but it has been frozen for more than 4 years as the state has financial problem."

$82K CACI's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (1 salaries)

+$22K (30%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$11K (14%) more than average CACI salary ($71K)
Equal to average CACI IT Project Coordinator salary ($82K)
"Require more funds for the work I perform on a daily basis."

$80K Modis' Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (1 salaries)

+$20K (28%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$16K (22%) more than average Modis salary ($64K)
Equal to average Modis IT Project Coordinator salary ($80K)
"Above average"

$70K CenturyLink's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (1 salaries)

+$10K (15%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$10K (15%) more than average CenturyLink salary ($60K)
Equal to average CenturyLink IT Project Coordinator salary ($70K)
"Yes I feel underpaid when I compare to other people on same role in other companies."

$66K VMware's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (6 salaries)

+$6K (9%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
-$27K (33%) less than average VMware salary ($93K)
-$6K (9%) less than average VMware IT Project Coordinator salary ($66K)
+$4K (5%) more than average VMware IT Project Coordinator salary ($66K)
-$5K (7%) less than average VMware IT Project Coordinator salary ($66K)
See 3 More VMware IT Project Coordinator Salaries

$85K Mizuho Corporate Bank's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (4 salaries)

+$25K (34%) more than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$12K (15%) more than average Mizuho Corporate Bank salary ($73K)
+$4K (4%) more than average Mizuho Corporate Bank IT Project Coordinator salary ($85K)
+$5K (5%) more than average Mizuho Corporate Bank IT Project Coordinator salary ($85K)
-$4K (4%) less than average Mizuho Corporate Bank IT Project Coordinator salary ($85K)
See 1 More Mizuho Corporate Bank IT Project Coordinator Salaries

$60K Wachovia's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (4 salaries)

Equal to national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$10K (18%) more than average Wachovia salary ($50K)
Equal to average Wachovia IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
-$20K (40%) less than average Wachovia IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
Equal to average Wachovia IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
See 1 More Wachovia IT Project Coordinator Salaries

$58K Chevron's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (3 salaries)

-$2K (3%) less than national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
Equal to average Chevron salary ($58K)
-$7K (12%) less than average Chevron IT Project Coordinator salary ($58K)
+$17K (25%) more than average Chevron IT Project Coordinator salary ($58K)
+$7K (11%) more than average Chevron IT Project Coordinator salary ($58K)

$60K Westfield's Average IT Project Coordinator Salary (3 salaries)

Equal to national average IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
Equal to average Westfield salary ($60K)
Equal to average Westfield IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
Equal to average Westfield IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)
+$2K (3%) more than average Westfield IT Project Coordinator salary ($60K)

IT Project Coordinator by State

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