JBS USA: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We currently have 1 open jobs at JBS USA.
We've calculated that the average salary at JBS USA is $52K based on 66 user-submitted salaries
A total of 14 JBS USA employees gave JBS USA an average happiness rating of 3.3 out of 5.0.
1.4JBS has Core Values. They are great on paper, or on the wall, but they are not practiced. Employees are treated like the animals they slaughter. Work them until they can't take anymore, for as little as they can pay them. Then they are surprised when people leave. The management encourages this type of behavior, and HR is of no help at all. They have huge turn over for a reason!If you are looking for that basic just got out of school, need some experience type of job, apply.
3.1Working at this company was an excellent learning experience for me, but ultimately it wasn't a good fit. I enjoyed working in the animal industry, but as a member of plant management, it is important to recognize that this is an almost exclusively manufacturing setting. The setting and the corporate leadership structure was not a good fit for my career goals and personality.