Now hiring in Fenton, MO
Hiring Immediately!
Tired of waiting for a response to your application? We need people now!
Apply today to schedule an interview!
We will contact you by text once you have applied.
Why you should be a part of our team!
No nights, No weekends, No holidays!
$15-$20 average hourly pay plus tips!
Be a part of a family-oriented work environment.
PTO after 6 months!
Employer-sponsored benefits dental, vision and insurance.
Mileage reimbursement & weekly bonus opportunity.
Who will make a great team member?:
Must be 18 years old or older!
Must be able to work Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 5:00 pm or until finished with route
Must have your own vehicle and a valid driver’s license!
You have a good work ethic and enjoy serving people!
A meticulous eye for detail, nothing gets past you!
A person who has dreams to do more than clean homes!
We need future leaders! We are growing and need people who are future focused!
**We offer a competitive compensation package that includes all of your supplies and equipment, as well as regular bonuses, awards, and incentives. We believe that hard work and top performance deserve recognition.
**We give back to our community by servicing cancer patients in partnership with "Cleaning for A Reason"
Candidates with the following experience are encouraged to apply: home health aide, caretaker, hospitality, carpet cleaners, general laborer, waiter, hotel housekeeping Two Maids & A Mop was recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as the nation's fastest growing cleaning company! We provide residential cleaning services that range from routine weekly maintenance to deep cleanings of a home from top to bottom. We recognize and reward top performers through our one of a kind Pay for Performance Plan, and we are passionate about our partnership with “Cleaning For A Reason” where we provide free cleanings to individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Our growth and success allow us to provide opportunities to individuals who want to be a part of something bigger and find satisfaction in a career as a Professional House Cleaner!