What is the average salary for Kelly Services employees in Peoria, IL?
Kelly Services employees in Peoria, IL earn $36,000 annually on average, or $17 per hour, which is 59% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Kelly Services in Peoria, IL is 32,000 Advisor at $an annually.
Average Salaries at Kelly Services for Popular Roles in Peoria, IL?
+$6K (18%) more than average Kelly Services salary ($30K)
"the pay at Kelly is better than most customer service positions. I started at $13.75 an hour and through promotions and learning multiple lines of business I have increased that to $17.25 an hour in less than a year."
What is the highest paying job at Kelly Services in Peoria, IL?
IT Management Consultant
is the highest paying job at Kelly Services at $32,000 annually in Peoria, IL.
What is the lowest paying job at Kelly Services in Peoria, IL?
Assembly Mechanic
is the lowest paying job at Kelly Services at $32,000 annually in Peoria, IL.
How much does Kelly Services pay an hour in Peoria, IL?
On an average Kelly Services employees earn approximately $17 per hour in Peoria, IL.
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