Kelmar Associates: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Kelmar Associates is $57K based on 16 user-submitted salaries
A total of 2 Kelmar Associates employees gave Kelmar Associates an average happiness rating of 3.1 out of 5.0.
3.3The company overall has good people who are good at what they do, and depending on your team, most have a hierarchy where direct managers are willing to help you succeed in your current role. The product overall is good, and is luckily in a rather niche market with virtually no other active competitors, so they will likely do well for a number of years to come. Unfortunately, There is very, very minimal company culture. If you are looking for a place where you will get to know people outside of just meetings and your daily work, this is not the place you will find that. The company will do an annual outing, but it is usually the same thing or very similar and will be one of the only times you even see people from the other parts of the company. There is also very little room for growth. If you are looking to progress it is more likely you will have to switch teams and/or roles completely than to move up the chain unless there is a drastic shift or someone leaves.
2.7I was employed by Kelmar for 2 years. It is very disorganized, the client base grows much faster that the mgt increased staff to support the clients. With short staff, came increased hours, faster deadlines, and travel to client that disallows catching up. Mgt. always tried to adapt to more clients, changing job descriptions almost weekly. Morale was very low.
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