Lam Research: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Lam Research is $91K based on 297 user-submitted salaries
A total of 59 Lam Research employees gave Lam Research an average happiness rating of 4.2 out of 5.0.
2.6I have worked at Lam Research for over 20 years. Most of of that times span was under excellent supervision and management. However, in recent years the quality of management has deteriorated. The core values of Lam are excellent in principle, but not in execution: "Mutual Trust and Respect" are only words and are not put into practice. There are no 180 reviews of mangers and directors. Vice Presidents listen only to apple-polishing managers. Retribution for fact based disagreement with managers is frequent. I actually heard one director say that Lam "...doesn't need smart people. It needs people to work hard." This in direct contraction to the core value of "Lam Research is where successful people want to work." Well not exactly in contradiction if success is compensation for effective toadying.
3.2It would be nice if they stop padding themselves on the back and give themselves bonuses and actually find a vision for the company beside just selling etch products. Every business verdure the company has done beside etches has resulted in failure do to lack of vision and planning.
Do not plunge into big decisions without due diligence. At the same time, for parts which work do not change direction every 2-3 months. Run the company like a small company to be efficient, innovative and cost effective while leveraging industry clout and financial strength to create advantage relative to competitors by leveraging critical mass and getting new products to market faster than others by creating a clear product vision beyond 2-3 years.
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