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How Much Does Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton Pay in Milton, MA?


What is the average salary for Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton employees in Milton, MA?

Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton employees in Milton, MA earn $71,000 annually on average, or $34 per hour, which is 7% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton in Milton, MA is 71,000 Senior Administrative Assistant at $a annually.

Average Salaries at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton for Popular Roles in Milton, MA?

$71K Senior Administrative Assistant Average Salary at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton in Milton, MA (1 salaries)

+$26K (44%) more than national average Senior Administrative Assistant salary ($45K)
+$26K (44%) more than average Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton salary ($45K)
+$26K (44%) more than average Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton salary ($45K)
"I believe I was very well compensated for the responsibilities of my position. I believe I was one of the more compensated assistants, as I would also be asked to step in and assist with the Executive Assistant from time to time."

What is the highest paying job at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton in Milton, MA?

Staff Nurse is the highest paying job at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton at $71,000 annually in Milton, MA.

What is the lowest paying job at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton in Milton, MA?

Practice Assistant is the lowest paying job at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton at $71,000 annually in Milton, MA.

How much does Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton pay an hour in Milton, MA?

On an average Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton employees earn approximately $34 per hour in Milton, MA.

Highest Paying Companies in Milton, MA

Company Annual Average Salary
Keches Law Group$107,500
State Street$101,000
Tremont Credit Union$60,000
Milton Academy$60,000
Curry College$31,000

Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton Salaries by Location

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