NetJets: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at NetJets is $60K based on 68 user-submitted salaries
A total of 9 NetJets employees gave NetJets an average happiness rating of 3.5 out of 5.0.
4.2Overall, I think it's a great company to work for. The benefits are amazing. They have the right mindset but need to improve on a few things, like every other company, like improving employee relations. If first-line supervisors pushed more to get the department fully-staffed I wouldn't have any complaints.
4.2I've worked with Netjets Inc since 2011. The company benefits are excellent and I have heard people that have quit coming back to the company because the benefits are work. I work in a dynamic environment where your day-to-day work changes which is both good and bad.
4.1The company is great. It's a high-pace/high-stress environment but it can be rewarding. MCC had its problems but I'm optimistic that we will resolve them. We are compensated quite nicely now. NetJets has great benefits. I don't know of any other company offering what they offer.
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