San Jose State University: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We currently have 14 open jobs at San Jose State University.
We've calculated that the average salary at San Jose State University is $30K based on 389 user-submitted salaries
A total of 120 San Jose State University employees gave San Jose State University an average happiness rating of 4.3 out of 5.0.
At this point in history as intersecting crises of racial, economic, health, and environmental justice buffet our lives and communities and exacerbate...
Under the general supervision of the Supervising Electrician, the Lead Electrician provides direction and oversees a small team of skilled electricians...
4.9Dear Hiring Manager,
I am writing this letter to apply for the Project Engineer position at Jobot which was advertised on the company careers page. I am a student in the Master of Engineering Management program at San José State University and I will be graduating in Dec 2020. I believe that my 3+ years of work experience and demonstrated expertise in Manufacturing Engineering using end to end planning, direction and co-ordination of all processes makes me a strong candidate for the open position.
During my full-time career as a manufacturing engineer in HVAC refrigeration company, I appointed different tools of the robot system for machining processes with different G-codes and M-codes and developed communication protocol between them. The whole process takes place right from loading of material, pressing, grooving, notching and cutting of sheet metal. Afterwards the sheet metal is mounted on the chemical pressure controlling machine and chemical is directly triggered in between the two sheet metal and this whole process is generated by using six sigma techniques like VSM (Value Stream Mapping). I prepared BOM (Bill Of Material) for the entire project. During this process I have forecasted the sales of every year by using exponential smoothning, simple and weighted moving average as well as Holt-winters method.
As a Student Assistant at SJSU Psychology Department, I am working on automation of university faculty database by using Visual Basic Application (VBA) and Python. I also work on graphics for departmental website by using CorelDRAW, SquareSpace and Adobe Photoshop. I volunteered different events and commencement including departmental and university.
Academically, I have worked on continuous process improvement by using six sigma techniques like Kaizen, 5S, FMEA (Failure mode and effect analysis), VSM (Value Stream Mapping) to reduce service time in a restaurant and eliminated non-value-added inventory which increases profitability of restaurant.
I use
3.9SJSU Research Foundation in collaboration with LLNL has given me a wonderful opportunity to get some real-life research done. This made me more confident in my skills as well as my outlook on my future. My research has led to a publication, which will help me with any of my future endeavors. The research facilitator I had was extremely helpful and gave me enough room that allowed me to be innovative in my work, which made everything more challenging and exciting.
1 Student Tutor from San Jose State University submitted reviews
4.2I am currently a student tutor at San Jose State University. My responsibilities include teaching math and statistics to undergraduate students. The role provides me the opportunity to observe higher-level decisions about course design and content, as well as the opportunity to maintain daily, close interactions with students.
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