How Much Does Southwest Research Institute Pay in San Antonio, TX?
What is the average salary for Southwest Research Institute employees in San Antonio, TX?
Southwest Research Institute employees in San Antonio, TX earn $78,272 annually on average, or $38 per hour, which is 17% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, TX is 89,000 Senior Research Engineer at $a annually while the lowest paying job in a at Southwest Research Institute is a Student Analyst at $30,000 annually.
Average Salaries at Southwest Research Institute for Popular Roles in San Antonio, TX?
+$36K (52%) more than average Southwest Research Institute salary ($51K)
"I felt like the pay at SwRI for the work I was doing was reasonable, but I believe I can do much better working in a more growing industry where the work is more stable."
+$22K (35%) more than average Southwest Research Institute salary ($51K)
"For my credentials and experience, I could be making a lot more at another company. SwRI has good benefits and the potential for interesting work, which balances this out somewhat."
+$19K (31%) more than average Southwest Research Institute salary ($51K)
"The pay is sometimes to be desired. I started as a student and only got a 2% increase when becoming a full-time developer. Analysts can move up but it involves doing more than just Developing code."