Social Security Administration: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Social Security Administration is $47K based on 496 user-submitted salaries
A total of 49 Social Security Administration employees gave Social Security Administration an average happiness rating of 3.7 out of 5.0.
2.3Pay is low for hourly workers starting around $8/hr, and they're charged for meals daily (no brown-bagging). Open positions are almost never posted internally. FT positions are posted online with education requirements that hourly staff usually doesn't meet so they think they're not eligible. Then those spots are often filled by outsiders without degrees either. There is almost no ethnic diversity among middle management and higher. Poor management of individuals; few opportunities for promotion--they let an employee go because she requested a raise after over 2 years of work that was stated in her contract; cheap; dishonest.
2.6I've worked for the Social Security Administration for over 10 years, and it is a safe and secure job. However, when it comes to the field of Information Technology, there is no innovation and it is way behind industry standards. There is no room to learn or be mentored by experienced professionals who are up to date with technology trends.
3.4I really enjoy working with my co workers, however my relationship with my direct supervisor is almost non existent. I have very little feedback or interaction with him due mostly because he works from NY and I work in New Orleans. The company would be great to work for if I wanted to remain indefinitely in my current role. Compensation could also be better for the type of work we're doing.
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