Steuben Foods: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Steuben Foods is $44K based on 16 user-submitted salaries
A total of 5 Steuben Foods employees gave Steuben Foods an average happiness rating of 3.3 out of 5.0.
3.3Steuben Foods can be either a great place to work or a nightmare depending on your personal situation and stage in life. Pay is excellent for entry-level positions, but other benefits are somewhat stingy. There is very little PTO available through the first year+ of work. Scheduling is often erratic, with week-to-week scheduling posted the Thursday beforehand. Staffing levels are similarly unpredictable, and often do not correspond well with workload, leading to days that range from mind-numbingly long to extremely stressful. If you are early in your career, Steuben Foods is a great place to build up some savings and gain experience, but more experienced individuals may struggle with the erratic nature and poor work-life balance of scheduling.
4.6A good place to work. Steuben Foods is one of the industry leaders in low acid aseptic packaging technology. Supervisors were co-operative and have an open door policy. Friendly work culture. Factory standards are up to the international level, and has good safety record.
3I worked at Steuben Foods for many years. In recent years they have gone downhill as far as work environment. Management and HR, for the most part, are not helpful or respectful. You are treated like a child, unless you are one of their pets. Too many times I have seen the worst workers promoted. While the people who actually do their job and help others having problems get no recognition. The pay is good, but not worth it when you're made to feel like you're less than a person.
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