EuropTec: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at EuropTec is $28K based on 1 user-submitted salary
A total of 1 EuropTec employees gave EuropTec an average happiness rating of 2.3 out of 5.0.
2.3I was told when I was hired I would be helping with a large expansion, however they had not been turning a profit in many departments. We didn't get funding for the expansions. I can't believe how unaware they were of their financial and process problems. I was lied to about my salary potential, and forced to work 24 hours on call, up to 80 hours per week, with no bonus incentive or overtime pay. Not recommended, we recently had 3 of 4 managers quit, 2 of 3 maintenance men, and rumors of more.
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