IDEX Health & Science: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at IDEX Health & Science is $80K based on 66 user-submitted salaries
A total of 12 IDEX Health & Science employees gave IDEX Health & Science an average happiness rating of 4.0 out of 5.0.
4.6Confidential Information. Don't want it to be public.
Your review should be helpful to people researching companies.Check spelling and punctuation, and avoid excessive capitalization.Avoid identifying people by name, using profanity or hate speech or sharing proprietary info.
3.2I've worked for this company for the past 5 years. The company pays well, but is unstable. You can expect significant change multiple times a year. You are opportunities to grow because this company is always acquiring new companies and they are willing to move you in places where you fit.
4.6I worked for IDEX Corporation for 20 years and found them to be an excellent company to work for. They believed in and practiced respect and integrity in every area of their business. I will always appreciate the years I spent with them.
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