Jensen MetalTech: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Jensen MetalTech is $48K based on 1 user-submitted salary
A total of 1 Jensen MetalTech employees gave Jensen MetalTech an average happiness rating of 2.9 out of 5.0.
3I worked for this company for over four years bringing innovation and process improvement to the division and never got any form of recognition other than, "Good job guys." to all in the eng. meeting. During my time there, my dept. went from daily errors and rework to the first ever zero rework month of any dept. The dept. mgr. had absolutely nothing to do with it. Much of the time he was nowhere to be found. All of the process improvements came from the employees of the dept. while the mgr. gave only passive approval or active resistance.
The newbie mgmt. (some long timers from other divisions but new to MetalTech [he claims it will take him two years to master his job. Really? Two years? Whatever.], most others fresh out of UNR with no practical experience in the shop, design, eng. or mgmt.) told me things like, and I quote, "You are not a team player.", "Maybe this just isn't the place for you." and "The graveyard is full of people that can't be replaced." That mgr. should be replaced but he is untouchable. In the mgmt's view, employees are replaceable, not assets. This is a horrible way to treat employees and kills morale, motivation, and loyalty.
If you have a concern where a lawyer could become involved (discrimination, harassment, etc.) HR will be all over it and help you to get it resolved quickly. If your concern is with bad mgmt. decisions costing the company tens of thousands of dollars, you will be treated as the enemy.
At all 4 facilities in Sparks, there is what is known as the "UNR Club". If you are not "in" you will likely never move up. If you have more knowledge and experience than anyone in your department including the mgr., it will gain you no recognition and you will forever be viewed as an average worker.
Ask any employee about performance reviews and they will tell you the 2% joke.
Other than that, great place to work. Flexible hours (Eng. Dept. only), decent pay and benefits, work duties enjoyable and I liked my co-workers and peers.
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