Local Motors: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Local Motors is $11K based on 1 user-submitted salary
A total of 2 Local Motors employees gave Local Motors an average happiness rating of 3.4 out of 5.0.
3.1I worked for Local Motors for almost 4 years. I wanted to work for Local Motors when I was first introduced to large scale additive manufacturing. I was fast tracked up the ladder as promised when the Olli shuttle was launched. I worked for a solid 3 years on the Olli program from negotiating the autonomous software agreement to drafting the first business model to print over 80% of the vehicle. In the end I disagreed on where the overall program was going and Local Motors and I parted ways. I was afforded many opportunities with Local Motors and for that I am thankful.