SI-Bone: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at SI-Bone is $46K based on 1 user-submitted salary
A total of 1 SI-Bone employees gave SI-Bone an average happiness rating of 4.1 out of 5.0.
4.1"Great Company, Great People, Great Cause"
SI-Bone has been a great place to work and start a career.
The company has an excellent culture with silicon valley style benefits and drive. The people all will support you and no one minds taking a little extra time to help you or ensure that a job is done correctly. The scheduling was flexible enough to allow me to take classes at the same time as working.
There is also a high amount of exposure to C-Level and VP level employees and a great chance to learn and work collaboratively with them.
Overall, could not recommend SI-Bone higher and have recommended it already to multiple classmates and friends.
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