SpineFrontier: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at SpineFrontier is $50K based on 4 user-submitted salaries
A total of 1 SpineFrontier employees gave SpineFrontier an average happiness rating of 1.8 out of 5.0.
There are no pros about the salary unless you come into the company at a very high rate which is not likely or if are a newly graduated student with limited experience.
The company implies that they provide yearly increases and salary bonuses. None of that is true for the majority of the works. In reality whatever salary you start with at the company will be the salary you end with even if you have been there a year, two, or three. The stance is that you should be happy to work there no matter what the salary and no one works for the money but for the experience. Not favor the employees at the lower when upper management receives large bonuses and salaries.
Advice to Management:
You have no management style or method at the company.
The reason is too many young and experience people with the skills or knowledge to do the job at all levels. The lack of management is not limited to general managers but all the way to the top. They simply can't manage, don't know how, and have no plans to improve it to make the people happy to want to stay or improve for themselves. They need help and it is showing.
No one works for solely for the benefit of a company, people have lives and bills which they must pay. So don't give them such low salaries and demand them to work hard and long, then expect them to remain happy.
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