St. Francis Episcopal Day School: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at St. Francis Episcopal Day School is $32K based on 4 user-submitted salaries
A total of 2 St. Francis Episcopal Day School employees gave St. Francis Episcopal Day School an average happiness rating of 2.4 out of 5.0.
3.2St. Francis has a lot of potential. They are adding a high school (currently pre-K through grade 8); scheduled to accept the first freshmen class in the fall of 2018. Good things: the faculty are mostly very friendly and dedicated. The parents are very easy to work with. The primary current problem is insecurity among the administration. They often hire people into upper-level positions for which they have little to no previous experience. Communication is often lacking or unclear, and there is an "us-them" relationship between the administration and faculty.
1.6Toxic culture and work environment. The administration is abusive and does not inspire any feelings of support or being on the same page. The teachers, children, and families are wonderful. The administration is the true issue here. This school used to be very well renowned but has lost some of its appeal due to the attitude of the administration.
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