Vistaprint: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Vistaprint is $76K based on 70 user-submitted salaries
A total of 10 Vistaprint employees gave Vistaprint an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
3During my time at VistaPrint, the department I worked in, was more concerned with speed and saying they met a deadline than substance and quality. The organization as a whole talks of the importance of being a team. In practice there are a few members of the organization, to whom they defer, regardless of the rest of the teams advice.
4Vistaprint has a great program for promotion. Unfortunately, that means that many people are promoted quickly and may not have had the chance to pick up the softer skills required for their position. Things like looking at the big picture, understanding other people's view of things, etc. This makes them difficult to work with.
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