New Standard Corporation: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at New Standard Corporation is $80K based on 1 user-submitted salary
A total of 1 New Standard Corporation employees gave New Standard Corporation an average happiness rating of 3.5 out of 5.0.
3.6At New Standard Corporation, my role as Production Supervisor was formed by management realigning production sectors that were more complimentary to specific function and skills. My assembly team manufactured liquid chillers for the Caterpillar company. The equipment was moved into this location from a former Caterpillar facili and was very old. We managed to meet the company's delivery goals by being creative to keep the machinery running and by instituting continuous improvement techniques. The company was not able to stay financially stable which resulted in workforce downsizing. Otherwise, it was fully challenging and rewarding.
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